domenica 14 febbraio 2021

The best 100 Japanese comics (1969 - 2022)

 Masahiko Matsumoto

 1 The Man Without Talent (無能の人, in Italian: L'uomo senza talento, 1 vol.), Yoshiharu Tsuge (1985 - 1986)

2 (大発見, lit "Breakthrough", in Italian: Le lacrime della bestia, 1 vol.), Yoshihiro Tatsumi (1970 - 1998) [The Italian volume contains only the last 7 stories of the original Japanese 13 story collection]

3 (大発見, lit "Breakthrough", in Italian: Crocevia, 1 vol.), Yoshihiro Tatsumi (1969 - 1972) [The Italian volume contains only the first 6 stories of the original Japanese 13 story collection]

4 Disappearance Diary (失踪日記, in Italian: Il diario della mia scomparsa, 1 vol.), Hideo Azuma (2005)

5 akira

6 Dream Fossil: The Complete Stories of Satoshi Kon (1 vol.), Satoshi Kon (1984 - 1989)

7 Umimachi Diary (海街diary, lit. "Seaside Town Diary", in Italian: Our Little Sister: Diario di Kamakura, 9 vols.), Akimi Yoshida (2006 - 2018).

8 Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms (夕凪の街 桜の国, in Italian: Hiroshima. Nel paese dei diori di ciliegio, 1 vol.), Fumiyo Kono (2003 - 2004).

9 Chainsaw Man (チェンソーマン, 11 vols), Tatsuki Fujimoto (2018 - 2020)

10 My Father's Journal (父の暦, in Italian: Al tempo di papà, 1 vol.), Jiro Taniguchi (1994).

11 (深夜食堂, in Italian: La taverna di mezzanotte, 1vol.), Yaro Abe (2006 - present))

12 (生まれたときから下手くそ, in Italian: Maldestro dalla nascita, 1 vol.), Yaro Abe (2014)

13 A Zoo in Winter (冬の動物園, in Italian: Uno zoo d'inverno, 1vol.), Jiro Taniguchi (2005 - 2007)

14 (犬を飼う, in Italian: Allevare un cane e altri racconti, 1 vol.), Jiro Taniguchi (1991) [The latest Italian edition contains the 5 stories from the original Japanese collection and two other stories]

15 (欅の木, in Italian: L' olmo e altri racconti, 1 vol), Jiro Taniguchi (art) and Ryuichiro Utsumi (text) (1993)